Solutions & Service Offerings
3D Gait Biomechanics Analysis Solution:
We offer variety of full 3D Gait Analysis Solutions, for Clinical, Sports, Industrial Ergonomics, Research Biomechanics studies.
Possible components options for Gait Analysis System:
3D Motion Tracker-
Optical Active Marker tehnology 3D Motion Tracking System:
For high accuracy, research grade raw data for first priciples based analysis. Use any markerset and track raw markers, without dpending on any model definition. 100% free from marker labelling errors. Perfect for any application, clinical or research.Optical Passive Marker tehnology 3D Motion Tracking System:
For Model based 3D Motion Tracking with passive markers, without any wires, electronics on subject. Suitable for clinical applications.Optical Markerless 3D Motion Tracking System:
For Model based 3D Motion Tracking without any markers. Suitable for clinical and Sports applications.Electromagnetic tehnology 3D Motion Tracking System:
For Electromagnetic Technology based, native 6DOF Sesnors Motion tracking, with no line-of-sight restrictions, no drift and no calibration requireemnts, for Research, Sports.Inertial Hybrid tehnology 3D Motion Tracker:
Fully indpendent, unlimited tracking range, human body tracking. Specially suited for Sports, Indutrial Ergonomics, and some clinical and research Biomechanics.
Force Platform/Instrumnted Treadmill/Instrumented Stairs-
6 Component overground Force Platforms- 10 KN Capacity 600 x 400 mm, 1000 x 400 mm or custom size
Various types of Force Sensors for point, grasp force mesurments during interactions
Wearable, Force Plates solution consiting of Small, under sole, total 4 x 6 compoent Force Plates
Dual Belt Instrumented Treadmill
EMG System-
Fully Wireless, high fidelity surface EMG System
Biomechincs Modelling and Analysis Software platform-
World's most clincially and scietifically validated Inverse Kinematics and Dynamics modelling software platform
Neuro-Behavioral Research Sollution:
We offer advanced solutions for Neuro-Behaviour Research for both nomral, as well as MRI compatible solution for fMRI studies:
Neuro-Behaviour Research Solution for normal enviornments, for various kinds of multi-modal, sensory feedback Research, for example:
Setup might be consiting of combination of following components:
Experiment Control/Feedback Software platform
Realtime, multi-function data and video processing Hardware Hub with Digital and Analog I/Os, to synchronize all of your subject I/O to video refresh with microsecond precision
Response boxes with illuminated LEDs for microsecond-precise response times
LED Stimulus Display with real-time (time deterministic) response, 120 Hz refresh rate for both 2D or Stereo 3D
LED lit, DLP Projector Stimulus Display with real-time (time deterministic) response, 500 Hz in RGB Mode, and 1440 Hz greyscale
Eye Trackers, Remote/Desktp or Head Mounted, acuarate, with guarnteed maximum 1 frame latency for Gaze Tracking, or individual Eye Metrics analysis, from 60 Hz to 2000 Hz sampling rate
High fidelity EMG (upto 32 Channels), EEG (upto 272 Channels) with Auxiliary sesnors like PPG,GSR, Thermometric Sesnors, fNIR Systems (upto 57 Channels) for Biosignal recording for Neuro-Physiological response
Head/Body 3D Motion Trackers for action/response capture or for Virtual Reality 6DOF Head tracking for view point tracking, or inserting motion tracking driven real-time human avatar of the subject, actors in teh scene, with time determinacy.
Head Mounted Displays. High resolution, professional 8K resolution, 180 Deg. diagonal FOV HMDs (Head Monted Dsiplay) with built-in eye tracking, with non-fresnel lenses for sharp images even at the periphery of FOV.
Data gloves for finger tracking for hand motion
Stereo 3D, multi-Surface, multi-projectors, Immersive projection Displays like Curved,Domes, Video Wall, CAVE for greater immersion, covering both foveal and peripheral vision
Haptics/Forcefeedback for force reflection at high control freqency, on cue
Robotic manipulators, Exoskeleton for Rehab
fMRI Neuro-Behaviour Research Solution for MRI enviornments, consiting of combination of following components:
Experiment Control/Feedback Software platform
Realtime, multi-function data and video processing Hardware Hub with Digital and Analog I/Os, to synchronize all of your subject I/O to video refresh with microsecond precision
MRI Compatible Response boxes with illuminated LEDs for microsecond-precise response times
MRI Compatible, in-bore, near-the-eye LED Display screen
LED Stimulus Display, MRI Compatible 24" or 32", lag free, 120 Hz refresh rate for both 2D or Stereo 3D
MRI Compatible LED lit, DLP Projector Stimulus Display with real-time (time deterministic) response, 500 Hz in RGB Mode, and 1440 Hz greyscale inside MRI Shielded Enclosure and MRI Compatible projection screen
MRI Compatible Eye Trackers with in-bore Cameras Head Coil mount, acuarate, with guarnteed maximum 1 frame latency for Gaze Tracking, or individual Eye Metrics analysis, from 60 Hz to 240 Hz sampling rate
MRI Comatible High fidelity EMG, EEG (upto 272 Channels) System for Biosignal recording for Neuro-Physiological response
3D Visualization for Biomedical, Entertainment and Science:
If you need a solution for 3d Biomedical image reconstruction or too tracking , in real-time, for training simulators or for image guided procedures, please contact us. Or, if you are looking for a 3D cinema projection solution, we can provide you Active, Infitec and new, without resolution loss technology solutions, in fact, the most appropriate solution that may include:
3D Motion Trackers both Electromagnetic & Optical. Medical compliant, if required
3d Stereo Projection set up with glasses or Head Mounted Display
3D Image reconstruction library
Human Factors Research Solutions:
For Industrial engineering applications either for Physical or Cognitive ergonomics, we offer many solutions. You may want a solution for computing joint force/torques on the body of industrial worker going through daily job related tasks or posture tracking for Biomechanics analysis in an Office setting in real or simulated environments. You may also want to track the eyes, body, posture, hands and fingers of a driver/pilot in in-vehicle, on-board environments. We have the right solution for you. Following products might be used for this.
There are many components (hardware and software) for accurately calculating these quantities for Human Locomotion studies. It largely depends on your specific requirements and that can vary greatly from application to application. For example, for Gait Analysis, you may require a 3d motion capture that has high sufficiently resolution to correctly align force platforms in Virtual Lab corresponding to your actual Lab Coordinate systems, but moderate sampling rate should not be a problem. But for Sports Biomechainal studies, you need a system with very high sampling rate to capture fast paced movements of the athlete and also the portability and capability of outdoor operations. Besides, you may need real-time data availability. For research, you additionally may require clean and un-filtered raw data.
For measuring Ground Reaction Forces, you may need large force platforms for Sports applications while for Gait Analysis, you may get away with small sized Force Plates. For Balance Studies, you may get away with 3 component (vertical only) force-platform but for dynamic movement analysis, a 6 component(3 forces and 3 moments about X,Y and Z axis) force platform or Instrumented Treadmill. For capturing reliable GRF data from each foot for complete gait cycle, you may need dual belt, Instrumented Treadmills. Similarly, you may prefer wire-free sEMG System for Sports and Patient Gait analysis.
In short, choosing the right combination may be overwhelming. There may be a combination of any or all components in the following list:
Video Cameras for recording reference videos from different view-points
3D Biomechanics modeling and analysis software for Inverse Kinematics/Dynamics computations
There are many options for each of the above. Whether you need to do link model based Inverse Kinematics Modelling/Analysis or to make muscle actuated model or forward dynamics for validation of Inverse Kinematics/Dynamics models, we offer complete solution and also installation, support and training.
3D Performance Capture Solutions for Real-time Animation, Games, TV, Films Visual Effects and Broadcast:
For capturing the 3d motions for Entertainment, there are many solutions, according to requirements. You may need facial capture, fingers capture, in addition to
Sports Sciences, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation:
capturing the full body of a single or multiple actors in large capture volume. At times, you may also need to broadcast live, the animated model driven by actual performer. or your requirements could simply be of capturing 3d motions for Games. Virtual Camera provides for real-time pre-visualization of scene, in 3D for the aid of director. One or more of the following products may be needed needed for specific purposes:
Please contact for you specific requirements of setting up a Motion Capture driven production pipe-line.
Cluster render platforms
In Sports & Performance Sciences, main requirement for solutions is that the solution should be capable of outdoor operation. Other requirements are high speed of data capture, accuracy and user-friendly operation. you may need to capture 3D Motions of the sportsmen for technique analysis or for injury prevention. You may need the study patient's Gait to get the idea of Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal injuries or fatigue analysis, their treatment planning and effectiveness or for rehabilitation. You may need to do stress analysis or may require to record the Heart Rate of the whole team, performing on the playground. We have solution for every need. Product components may include
VR(Virtual Reality)/AR(Augmented Reality Systems)/Simulators:
Virtual Reality is being adopted in mainstream areas of Science, Rehabilitation, Training for Defense, Industrial, Operation and Sports Sciences due to it's advantages of being able to simulate the actual conditions that saves time and money. Your project specific requirements dictate final choice of the product components. That mayinclude:
Immersive CAVE type, Power-wall type or Curved screen displays
PLM design and validation software platform and middle wares
We would like to hear from you, if you have specific requirements or if you have some ideas, that need implementation.
O&P CAD/CAM Solutions:
Other solution segment is Orthotics & Prosthetics CAD/CAM Systems. These systems provide quick and accurate fabrication of O&P Sockets, body jackets, custom foot-wears, knee braces, O&P Cosmesis etc..
3D Scanning also finds application in Archeology, Art Creativity and Cultural preserevation, Entertainment, Medical, Forensics, Metrology, Wood-Working or Custom Manufacturing, Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping.
Functional Gait Rehabilitation is another area where we offer Instruemnted Treadmill based, self-paced Gait learning solution that works on Visual and Auditory cues.
Carefully selected products in Sports Performance and Exercise Science and Engineering, Sports Training, Injury and Therapy/Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine are also on offer.
Integration, Customization, Plug-in Development, Consulting & Product Development:
We offer extensive customization services in 3D Visualization and Biomechanics. We can write special plug-ins, offer consulting for establishing 3D Motion Capture driven production pipe-line, for establishing Gait, Sports Biomechanics Analysis Lab or Virtual Reality Lab/Center for Academic and Production customers. ....more
3D Scanners are used to quickly scan the anatomical shapes, modifying them and sendig them for quick fabrication to O&P CNC machines
and/or Thermoforming machines.
Components may include: