Haptics, Force Feedback Devices
Haptics Devices are used to recreate sense of touch and to map force constraints in Simulated Virtual Reality environments. Force Dimension and Haption make high definition Haptics devices, suitable for Research as well as Industrial, commercial usage. They could recreate sense of inertia, weight, forces of interactions at a fast rate to enable realistic force feedback in VR environments. Following products are available.
Haption makes large work space and force range Haptics devices for 1:1 scale tele-operation or Industrial Design applications. There are many models to chose according to the requirement and also there are many softwrae interfaces to Industrial CAD/CAM applications like Catia, Delmia, Solid works etc..
Virtuose 6D TAO: The Virtuose 6D TAO, is modified Virtuose6D, by adjusting its size, by improving the force couple, and adding specific interaction interfaces such as a TREH grip especially intended for teleoperation applications in the nuclear industry. A button box was designed in order to allow the user to realize remote grasping operations. The capacity to block and maintain the gesture eliminates all uncertainties bound to the button holding by the operator. The Virtuose 6D TAO benefits from all the Virtuose 6D’s technology with technical specificities helping to answer to existing needs in the nuclear: master-slave setup, one hand and two hands shifting, heavy objects handling simulation. The 6D TAO is also available in a High Force version.
High Force version
Virtuose 3D Desktop: NEW! The VIRTUOSE 3D Desktop is a 3D haptic interface (3-DOF with force-feedback and 6-DOF with position sensors). Based on the same software and the same API as our other products, it also offers 3-DOF admittance control, 6-DOF indexing, etc. By default, the device is delivered without any housing, so as to be easily integrated into a virtual training system. A simple housing is available on request.
Virtuose 6D Desktop: The Virtuose 6D Desktop is based on the Virtuose 3D desktop. It provides 6 degrees of freedom, with force-feedback on all 6 DOFs. The structure of the Virtuose 6D Desktop can work in a volume corresponding to a torus with a square section of 20 cm. The center of the square is 30 cm from the base of the device.
Visrtuose 6D: The Virtuose 6D is a haptic device with a large workspace and force-feedback on all 6 degrees-of-freedom, especially suited to handling of virtual objects at scale 1. Workspace about 1300 x 658 x 1080 mm and 300° - 100° - 250 °
Mat6D: The MAT 6D is a new generation master arm for tele-operation with force-feedback. Its simple serial architecture with remote actuation gives a light, slender design, while fitting to the habits of experienced operators.
INCA 6D: The INCA 6D is the only force-feedback system of the market today, which offers the following characteristics:
- Force-feedback on all 6 degrees-of-freedom (3 translations and 3 rotations)
- Operational workspace is depending the position of the motor and the cable
- Maximum force of 40N (15 N continuous), i.e. high enough to simulate the handling of heavy objects
- Maximum rotation torque of 5 Nm (1,5Nm continuous),
- Exact static compensation of the device’s own weight.
- Modular end-effector equipped with programmable switches
- Gripping tool equipped with a proximity sensor, connected to a “dead-man” function: as long as the user does not hold the gripping tool in his hand, and as soon as he releases it, the motors are switched off, and no active movement can occur
- Easy to setup few minutes.
- Easy to assembly and to disassembly, very important to continue to use the room for other application
- Demonstrated compatibility with the major software applications on the market today, using dedicated plug-ins: Vortex™, Havok™, ODE, Virtools™, Catia™ V5, OpenMask, etc. Compatibility with tracking device like ART.
Able: NEW! The ABLE exoskeleton is a haptic interface for the hand and the arm. Based on the same software and the same API as our other products, it provides from 4 to 7 active degrees-of-freedom. Workspace: full arm workspace Able 4DOFs: Exoskeleton for the shoulder and elbow Able 5DOFs: Able 4DOFs, and pronation & supination at the level of the wrist Able 7DOFs: Able 4DOFs and 3 DOFs of the wrist.
Scale1: NEW! The Scale1 is a transparent mobile platform able to carry one or two haptic devices (left and right). The role of the Scale1 is to enlarge the workspace of the existing haptic devices. 3 DOFs (X,Y,Z) or 4 DOFs (X,Y,Z,Yaw) Support up to 2 force-feedback devices for left and right arm Support Virtuose 6D upside-down and Able family products
Software Interfaces:
Virtuose API: VIRTUOSE API offers:
- The software functions of the VIRTUOSE, which are accessible from the host workstation
- The files necessary to compile a software application making use of the VIRTUOSE™
- The dynamic library controlling the VIRTUOSE from the host workstation.
In terms of delivery, the VIRTUOSE API includes the following components:
- One header file, written in C and C++, defining all API functions
- One binary file linked as static library, necessary for compiling a software application
- One binary file linked as dynamic library, necessary for running a software application
The VIRTUOSE API is available for the following platforms:
Microsoft Windows™ XP/2K for 32 bits processors (multithread version only) Linux 2.4 and 2.6 for i586-compatible processors SGI IRIX™ 6.5 n32
Each haptic device VIRTUOSE is delivered with a free and unlimited license of the VIRTUOSE API. It does not include the transmission of source code.
IPSI API: IPSI (Interactive Physics Simulation Interface) is a software library for physical simulation with force-feedback developed by Haption in collaboration with CEA-List. IPSI is used in the implementation of:
Interactive Fitting for Catia (IFC) Interactive Physic Pack (IPP) for Virtools
IPSI is a physics engine and a comprehensive solution to stability problems, model complexity and precision issues in case of industrial applications.
Distributed architecture (client/server) based on the ONC RPC (open standard) Multi operating system for the client and the server: Microsoft Windows™, Linux Scenes composed of rigid bodies Simulation of simple kinematics chains (no closed-loop kinematics) Static integration (no inertial forces) 6-dof force-feedback output Compatibility with all the product line Virtuose™ Degraded operation without force feedback for 6D mouse (product line 3DConnexion©) Compatibility with optical tracking systems from ART©
Server IPSI
The IPSI server integrates software modules for collision detection (LMD++) and for simulation of movement (GVM) developed by the CEA-List. It also integrates the software library for collision detection VPS™ (Voxmap PointShell) developed by BOEING/Phantom Works.
C++ library of functions for Connecting to the IPSI server locally or over the network Loading 3D objects into the scene Selecting interaction-enabled objects Creating simple kinematics constraints (prismatic, plane, pivot, etc …) and connecting those to objects in the scene Associating interaction devices to objects in the scene Starting/stopping an interactive simulation Updating the position of objects in the scene for visualization.
3D Via VR Tools: Based on Haption’s physics simulation technology IPSI, IPP "Interactive Physics Simulation" is a set of Virtools Building Blocks that allow the user to create and play a real-time 3D application with Collision detection:
1. IPP Core: enable all the features for realtime interaction with several manipulation devices with force feedback interaction and without force feedback interaction. IPP Core permit to develop assembly-desassembly, process of montage, training with realtime interaction and physics manipulation
2. IPP Human is an Add-on to IPP Core for realtime motion of Human in the 3D environment with collision detection. IPP Human permit to develop ergonomic application with realtime human interaction. Interactive Physics Pack is an add-on library for 3DVIA/Virtools Dev 4.0. This add-on consists of 2 sets of Building blocks :18 for IPP Core and 16 for IPP Human.
IPP Sample
IPP Core 3D real-time interactive physics Experience
Connect to the IPSI server Manage the simulation: start, stop, pause, resume Manage the type of device: with force-feedback Haption Virtuose and Inca without force-feedback 6D USB mouse from 3DConnexion and Optical Tracking from ART, Motion Analysis or Vicon Supported Gloves : Finger Tracking from ART, Cyberglove from CyberGloves Systems Manage the collision process: attach and detach 3D objects to the manipulation device...
IPP Core integrates a building block called “physicalize”, which creates persistent data needed by the collision detection process. Data can be stored on files for fast reloading of the simulation experience. IPP can physicalize any type of 3D data compatible with Virtools (see Virtools for the type of Data). IPP Core provides kinematic constraints between object or between one object and the world: Prismatic, plane, translation, hinge, ball-and-socket, etc.
IPP Human for realtime manikin manipulation
Load Virtools Character, and the suit configuration file Manage the Character: calibration, attach, detach Activate the collision detection
Interactive Fitting for Catia: Haption propose 2 Products:
1 . IFC Core: Interactive Fitting for Catia Core is a software add-on to Catia V5™ R19. It enables interactive real-time assembly simulation with force-feedback inside DMU Navigator™. Using IFC Core, you reduce the time needed for assembly process validation.
IFC Core lets you :
- Work with any kind of Catia data: CatPart, CGR, ...
- Feel contact forces and gravity
- Record tracks as Catia paths Control the precision down to sub-millimeter levels
- Use any kind of VIRTUOSE device, optical Tracking (ART, Motion Analysis, VICON), 6D USB mouse from 3D Connexion
2. IFC Human: is an addon product of IFC Core. It will provide the necessary functionalities for the interactive simulation of virtual operators within IFC. IFC Human will be compatible with the Human Builder framework. In fact, the manikins used in the module will be defined using this framework, and the majority of the functionalities provided in Human Builder will be usable in this context.
IFC Human lets you :
- Full compatibility with the Human Builder framework
- Real-Time motion of the manikin, controlled by optical tracking system Real-Time collision detection and contact simulation with the manikin
- Control of the Manikin's hands using instrumented gloves, like Cybergloves II or Finger tracking glove.
- Real-Time recording of the posture of the manikin, store in a XML file Real-Time replay of trajectory with collision cue
RTI Delmia: RTID Human “Real-Time Interaction for Delmia Human” is a software add-on to Delmia V5™ R19. It enables interactive real-time simulation with digital human capabilities inside a virtual environment.
RTI DELMIA lets you :
- Full compatibility with the Human Builder framework Real-Time motion of the manikin, controlled by optical tracking system
- Real-Time collision detection and contact simulation with the manikin Control of the Manikin's hands using instrumented gloves, like Cybergloves II or Finger tracking glove.
- Real-Time recording of the posture of the manikin, store in a Human Builder Task Real-Time replay of trajectory with collision cue.
Solid Works: IFS (I-Fitting for Solid Works) is a plug-in for the CAD software SolidWorks by Dassault Systemes. As of today, IFS is compatible with the following versions of SolidWorks: 2009, 2010 (32 and 64 bits). IFS is composed of one core platform, and one add-on
IPSI is a physics engine and a comprehensive solution to stability problems, model complexity and precision issues in case of rigid body simulation for research and industrial applications.
IFS Core: enable realtime manipulation, and collision detection in Solidworks.
IFS Core lets you:
- Read the specification of the current assembly
- Feel contact forces and gravity
- Record, and Play a trajectoty of one object stored in an XML file
- Control the precision down to sub-millimeter levels
- Use any kind of VIRTUOSE device, ART, Motion Analysis, Vicon optical Tracking, 6D USB mouse from 3D Connexion
IFS Robotics: enable to animate robotics kinematics chains
IFS Robotics lets you:
- Add a robot to the assembly
- Build a chain of robots
- Extract the geometry of robot segments
- Move a robot joint
- Activate/deactivate collision management
- Record the robot movements
Virtuose 6D Desktop.pdf, Virtuose 6D 35-45.pdf, Virtuose 3D 15-25.pdf, Virtuose 6D 40-40.pdf, Inca 6d.pdf, IPSI.pdf, IFC Core.pdf, IFC Human.pdf, RTI Delmia.pdf, IPP Core.pdf, 6D Desktop and IFC core video, 6D 35-45 Video, 6D 35-45 updide down video, Inca 6D Video, Inca 6D in Cave video, 6D 35-45 and IFC Core video, 6D 35-45 Robot Control video, Delmia Video, Delmia Glove Manipulation video, IPP core video
Force Dimension:
Force Dimension manufactures high resolution Haptics Devices from 3 to 7 DOF. Following models are available.
Omega3: The omega.3 haptic device features some unique characteristic that make it the interface of choice for the most advanced single point-of-contact touch-enabled applications.
> quality the omega.3 is designed for superior performance - no plastic components are used for any critical mechanical component of the device for unrivaled reliability and haptic quality.
> accuracy a dedicated sensor provides one-time, drift-free calibration.
> stiffness due to their unique patented parallel kinematics structure, the omega.3 haptic device offers unequaled closed loop stiffness, allowing for crisper realism.
> comfort the omega.3 causes minimal user fatigue, thanks to active gravity compensation.
> safety an onboard CPU monitors velocity in real time and enables electromagnetic damping on the haptic device if a problem occurs on the host computer.
> ease-of-use the omega.3 comes with the Force Dimension SDK, which provides a simple, flexible and powerful way of developing haptic applications.
Omega6: The omega.6 haptic device features some unique characteristic that make it the interface of choice for the most advanced 6-dof, touch-enabled applications.
> rotation sensing the omega.6 features a rotation sensing extension that is fully gravity compensated and designed to avoid interference from parasitic torques generated by translational forces.
> quality the omega.6 is designed for superior performance - no plastic components are used for any critical mechanical component of the device for unrivaled reliability and haptic quality. > accuracy a dedicated sensor provides one-time, drift-free calibration.
> stiffness due to their unique patented parallel kinematics structure, the omega.6 haptic device offers unequaled closed loop stiffness, allowing for crisper realism.
> comfort all omega.6 causes minimal user fatigue, thanks to active gravity compensation.
> safety an onboard CPU monitors velocity in real time and enables electromagnetic damping on the haptic device if a problem occurs on the host computer.
> ease-of-use the omega.6 comes with the Force Dimension SDK, which provides a simple, flexible and powerful way of developing haptic applications.
Omega7: The omega.7 haptic device features some unique characteristic that make it the interface of choice for the most advanced multiple point-of-contact touch-enabled applications.
> active grasping the omega.7 offers a 4th active degree-of-freedom as a grasping mechanism.
> rotation sensing the omega.7 features a rotation sensing extension that is fully gravity compensated and designed to avoid interference from parasitic torques generated by translational forces.
> quality the omega.7 is designed for superior performance - no plastic components are used for any critical mechanical component of the device for unrivaled reliability and haptic quality.
> accuracy a dedicated sensor provides one-time, drift-free calibration.
> stiffness due to their unique patented parallel kinematics structure, the omega.7 haptic device offers unequaled closed loop stiffness, allowing for crisper realism.
> comfort all omega.7 causes minimal user fatigue, thanks to active gravity compensation.
> safety an onboard CPU monitors velocity in real time and enables electromagnetic damping on the haptic device if a problem occurs on the host computer.
> ease-of-use the omega.7 comes with the Force Dimension SDK, which provides a simple, flexible and powerful way of developing haptic applications.
Delta6: The delta.6 haptic device features some unique characteristic that make it the interface of choice for the most advanced 6-dof, fully active touch-enabled applications. > fully active the delta.6 device provides 6 fully active degreees-of-freedom. Translations and rotations are fully decoupled so as to not interfere with each other.
> modularity the delta device base can accommodate various interchangeable end-effectors to adapt to the most demanding applications.
> quality the delta family of devices is designed for superior performance - no plastic components are used for any critical mechanical component of the device for unrivaled reliability and haptic quality. > accuracy a dedicated sensor provides one-time, drift-free calibration.
> stiffness due to their unique patented parallel kinematics structure, the delta haptic devices offer unequaled closed loop stiffness, allowing for crisper realism.
> comfort all delta devices cause minimal user fatigue, thanks to active gravity compensation.
> safety an onboard CPU monitors velocity in real time and enables electromagnetic damping on the haptic device if a problem occurs on the host computer.
> ease-of-use the delta.6 comes with the Force Dimension SDK, which provides a simple, flexible and powerful way of developing haptic applications.
Delta3: The delta.3 haptic device features some unique characteristic that make it the interface of choice for the most advanced single point-of-contact touch-enabled applications.
> modularity the delta device base can accommodate various interchangeable end-effectors to adapt to the most demanding applications.
> quality the delta family of devices is designed for superior performance - no plastic components are used for any critical mechanical component of the device for unrivaled reliability and haptic quality. > accuracy a dedicated sensor provides one-time, drift-free calibration.
> stiffness due to their unique patented parallel kinematics structure, the delta haptic devices offer unequaled closed loop stiffness, allowing for crisper realism.
> comfort all delta devices cause minimal user fatigue, thanks to active gravity compensation.
> safety an onboard CPU monitors velocity in real time and enables electromagnetic damping on the haptic device if a problem occurs on the host computer.
> ease-of-use the delta.3 comes with the Force Dimension SDK, which provides a simple, flexible and powerful way of developing haptic applications.
Haptics SDK: The Force Dimension SDK features some unique characteristics that gives it a real edge when it comes to creating the most advanced touch-enabled applications.
> portability the Force Dimension SDK runs on all major platforms, and can be ported to more specialized environment by the Force Dimension development team on demand.
> open control the Force Dimension SDK provides full control over every element of the device, such as encoder readings, motor commands and even the kinematics models, for users who want to develop advanced control tasks.
> modularity the Force Dimension SDK make it possible to develop applications for all Force Dimension products with a single programming interface and consistent syntax.
> third-party compatibility the Force Dimension SDK is compatible with third-party haptic visualization packages (CHAI 3D, SenseGraphics H3D, Reachin API, Haptika, Matlab, Labview and others).
CHAI3D: Over the course of the last 5 years, CHAI 3D has grown to become one of the most popular open-source multi-platform haptics rendering frameworks, and has been used in a large number of research and production projects, in such diverse areas as games, simulators, educational software, interactive art, scientific visualization, and medical applications.
Written in C++, CHAI 3D has been designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications that combine 3D modeling with force-feedback rendering capabilities. By supporting different types of force-feedback devices, CHAI3D offers a unique interface to easily design and deploy advanced computer haptic solutions.
Modular Architecture CHAI3D combines an extensive number of force rendering algorithms, including the finger-proxy model, potential fields and implicit based models which allow programmers to easily develop sophisticated simulations with integrated force-feedback capabilities. The CHAI3D framework also provides the necessary data structures required to create multi-level scene-graphs which carry static, dynamic and articulated bodies.
A lightweight OpenGL-based graphics engine provides the foundations for easy rendering of virtual environments using dedicated 3D graphic acceleration hardware. Object meshes, implicit shapes, surface materials and texture properties are all represented in well organized base classes that can easily be extended by the programmer to incorporate more advanced or application-specific features. CHAI3D also provides support for importing 3D files from professional applications such as Autodesk 3D Studio Max and Alias Wavefront.
Designing Extensions: Support for third party components is achieved through well organized extension modules that independently complement the capabilities of the CHAI 3D core elements. Extension modules currently include the ODE and GEL dynamics engines for simulating rigid and deformable bodies in real time. Well documented templates are provided for developers who wish to integrate custom designed haptic display solutions. Thanks to its lightweight and modular architecture, CHAI3D can easily be combined with third party libraries including graphics or dynamics engines.
Support :
The CHAI3D framework is currently available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms (32-bit and 64-bit editions). Force Dimension currently leads the development of CHAI3D for professional applications by providing comprehensive technical support for research institutions and companies who wish to combine CHAI3D with Force Dimension’s family of haptic devices.
Omega3.pdf, Omega6.pdf, Omega7.pdf, Delta3.pdf, Delta6.pdf, Applications.pdf