Orthotics & Prosthetics 7 Axis Robotic Carver
ORTIS O&P Robotic Carvers:
ORTIS is a robotic milling system expressly aimed at the orthopedic industry, allowing to create any model (positive or concave) for the production of orthoses and custom prosthesis. ORTIS is a scalable platform that accommodates strict production constraints and its future expansion. It fits easy into to any production environment, thanks to its wide array of customization options.
ORTIS is able to produce any type of model necessary to create custom orthoses and prosthesis, leg-foot braces, scoliosis treatment corsets, foam aesthetic covers, orthopedic seats, prosthesis sockets, cranial correction helmets.
The system can handle polyurethane with densities ranging from 80 to 800 Kg/m³, as well as other materials suitable for dry milling: chalk, resins, plastics, foams...
ORTIS Essential is the entry level configuration that fits for all the orthopaedic workshops that don’t have big daily production needs and produce medium size models.
The system allows you to obtain an average daily production of 10 models with mainly a 600 mm diameter and 1000 mm height working area. The pediatric market is fully covered with this configuration.
An aluminum box encloses the entire system containing dust and noise, requiring a limited installation area (industrial floor is needed). The tool change is manual and it’s facilitated by a presetting laser that automatically measures the tool real length.
Robot type:
ABB 6-axis, 6Kg load at wrist, surface area of about 800mm.
Internally engineered and produced, it integrates seamlessly as a 7th robotic axis as part of the robot enclosure. Rotating table plate dimension of 450x450mm, 60rpm. The whole system is enclosed in an aluminium frame, already fitted for with shaving vacuum removal. The system’s bulk size is 1700 by 1500mm with 2450mm of total height.
Laser calibration
The standard setup includes a laser guide to perform automatic tool length calibration.
Working volume
blocks up to:
· Corsets – Diam. 600x(H)1000 mm
· AFO / KAFO – 350x200x(H)650 mm
· SEATING SYSTEMS – 500x600x(H)350 mm
Compressed air
Supported option, at least 3 bar.
System programming
A license of our ARPP® software ships with the system. ARPP® is powered by 5-axis a tool path generator (ARPPCAM), and allows for a precise ahead-of-time 3D simulation of the milling and material removal process.
An open system
ORTIS can be used with any 3D scanner or software that makes use of industry-standard formats (STL, AOP, VRML, …).
Bulk size
The whole system is contained in an aluminium box, prearranged for chip suction.
The dimensions are: 1700 mm (L) x 1250 mm (W) x 2450 mm (H)
Overall around 600 Kg
Power supply
380VAC, 50-60Hz, 6 KVA (average power consumption under 1.5 Kw).
ORTIS PRO represents the intermediate configuration that allows you an average daily production of 10-15 models with a working area of 800 mm diameter and 1200 mm height. All the production needs are satisfied by this system that offers you to choose between different variants to the standard configuration.
The system is installed on an industrial floor with walls and partitions that delimit its access area; inside this area the robot, the turntable and the presetting laser (that measures the real tool length) are fixed on the ground. In standard configuration the tool change is manual.
Robot type
ABB, 6 axes, 20 kg payload on the wrist, working area of 1600 mm
In-house designed, it is the 7th interpolated axis. Rotating table plate dimension 700x700mm, 60 rpm.
Possibility to have an additional turntable or fixed table to increase productivity.
Laser calibration
The standard setup includes a laser guide to perform automatic tool length calibration.
Working volume
Blocks up to:
· Corsets – Diam 800x(H)1200 mm
· AFO / KAFO – 350x300x(H)1000 mm
· SEATING SYSTEMS – 800x800x(H)800 mm
Compressed air
Minimum 6 bar
System programming
A license of our ARPP® software ships with the system. ARPP® is powered by 5-axis a tool path generator (ARPPCAM), and allows for a precise ahead-of-time 3D simulation of the milling and material removal process.
An open system
ORTIS can be used with any 3D scanner or software that makes use of industry-standard formats (STL, AOP, VRML, …).
Bulk size
System minimum area: 3000x3000x2700 mm
Contol unit area: 1000x1000x2000 mm.
Robot + base : 550 kg, Turntable: 270 kg
Control unit: 250 kg
Power supply
380VAC, three phase, 50-60Hz, 12 KVA
(4,5 kw average c
Milling machine single phase motor for the manufacture of custom-made insoles with EVA, with a built-in vacuum system for immobilize the workpiece to be milled and with installation for the incorporation of the vacuum cleaner. Steel and robust aluminum frame, table in one sector and transmission by spindles in all axes. Very simple operation thanks to touch screen and high resolution. It is sold open or with a casing that closes the work area, improving the vacuum cleaner and the impact of noise. Optional: casing and vacuum cleaner.
ORTIS ENTERPRISE is the configuration that allows to reach the maximum productivity (average daily production of 20 models and more) without limitations or compromises on the working area (mainly a 1200 mm diameter and 1500 mm height working area).
ORTIS ENTERPRISE is installed on an industrial floor with walls and partitions that delimit its access area; the features of this configuration will allow you to work in the most automated and efficient way.
The installation includes the robot (maximum reach over 2 meters), the turntable, the toolbox (up to 10 tool positions) and the presetting laser; the distinctive feature of this system is a powerfull electro spindle with the automatic tool change.
Robot type
ABB, 6 axes, 40-60 kg payload on the wrist, working area from 2000 to 2500 mm
In-house designed, it is the 7th interpolated axis. Rotating table plate dimension 700x700mm, 60 rpm.
Possibility to have an additional turntable or fixed table to increase productivity.
Laser calibration
The standard setup includes a laser guide to perform automatic tool length calibration.
Working volume
Blocks up to:
· Corsets – Diam 1200x(H)1500 mm
· AFO / KAFO – 350x300x(H)1500 mm
· SEATING SYSTEMS – 1200x1200x(H)1200 mm
Compressed air
Minimum 6 bar
System programming
A license of our ARPP® software ships with the system. ARPP® is powered by 5-axis a tool path generator (ARPPCAM), and allows for a precise ahead-of-time 3D simulation of the milling and material removal process.
An open system
ORTIS can be used with any 3D scanner or software that makes use of industry-standard formats (STL, AOP, VRML, …).
Bulk size
System minimum area: 4000x4000x3000 mm
Contol unit area: 1000x1000x2000 mm.
Robot + base : 650 kg, Turntable: 270 kg
Control unit: 250 kg, Toolbox: 280 kg
Power supply
380VAC three phase, 50-60Hz, 15 KVA
(5,5 kw kw average consumption)
ORTIS + Line is a new product configuration that introduces a feeding line next to ORTIS, for a considerable increase in production flexibility.
Given the automated nature of the loading and unloading process, ORTIS + Line allows to optimized the personnel costs and to increase the daily production. The feeding line is made up by the following elements:
conveyor belt (variable length), for loading the suitable number of pieces to be carved
exchanger/controller for picking up the raw pieces and placing back the carved pieces
programming system, for the generation of the milling/plastic cutting sequence according to the loaded pieces on the conveyor belt
The feeding line can be applied to the three ORTIS configurations (Essential, Pro, Enterprise) and it has a variable length according to the production needs.
It is possible to set a retaining space for the robot, constituted by steel walls in order to reduce dust outflows and blow systems to clean the carved piece, before it is placed back on the feeding line.
The heart of ORTIS is our ARPP® software that, being able to completely simulate all the production steps in only one product, allows you to:
Generate CAM tool paths on geometries coming from digitalization and external CAD systems;
Use specific CAM operations for the orthopaedic field;
Watch the 3D motion of the robot inside its cell with collision detection;
Simulate the 3D material removal and automatically generate the next CAM tool paths only on the material left;
Create automatic procedures for the different type of models to be produced.
These characteristics, combined with the intuitive graphical interface and the extreme easy of use CAM operations integrated in ARPP®, determine unprecedented productivity.Moreover, the technician can see, with calm and quiet on his/her computer, each step of milling and cutting operations before sending the program to the robot; in this way it’s possible to avoid problems and oversights, always possible.
The great advantage is that ARPP® allows to integrate CAM capabilities (ARPPCAM) in order to generate directly the tool path to be sent to the robot.
Turning is a milling operation that allows to rough and/or finish models like corsets, TLSO, AK & Bk sockets or helmets. With this operation ARPP® generates a spiral tool path that combines the coordinated movements of both robot and turntable. Contrary to the simple spiral path generated on the old 3axes carver, the turning milling operation allows to have a very good resolution in the whole model including the top part like the shoulders and the helmet.
This particular operation, designed for “L” shapes, allows to produce AFOs and KAFOs in one piece with an incredible level of details. ARPP® exploits the flexibility and mobility of the robot, producing a very complex tool path that wraps up the foot shape.
With few clicks on the 3D model, you can define a full 5-axis profiling and see the robot moving along the defined path: it is useful for cutting lines on thermoplastic covers.
ARPP® presents many milling operations dedicated to the production of the negative shapes (seating systems, cushion and mattresses in soft foam). By using the FreeShape milling, it is now very easy to generate a 5-axis tool path on a complex surface full of undercuts.
With ARPP® it is also possible to generate simple 3-axis tool paths, that could be is useful for roughing process or milling simple shapes, like insoles or facial masks.
The redesigned “create workpiece model” dialog, allows to modify the model of the blank.
Tailoring a template will be quicker than ever before. With a simple click is now possible to resize the volume dedicated to each milling operation.
It is possible to send multiple sequence of programs to the robot; it becomes very useful for those configurations of ORTIS that have more than one working placement (ie. turning table +fixed table) and moreover with the automatic feeding line.
ARPP® allows to manage the milling parameters combining different strategies on different model areas. For example it is possible to save time by milling faster where you don’t need details, or to add special operations for making holes, slots, etc or even to add extra milling operations to refine details only in certain areas (like undercuts).
After each CAM tool path you can see the material that is left, in order to generate the next operations only where they are needed. It’s very useful for seating systems and for more complex models, as standing shell braces, where it is very difficult to imagine areas that still need to be worked.
ORTIS Essential
ORTIS Enterprise
Robot Type
ABB 6-Axes
6 kg (13 lbs) Payload on the Wrist Working Area Approximately 1000 mm (3 feet)
ABB 6-Axes or KUKA 6-Axes
20 kg (44 lbs) Payload on the Wrist Working Area Approximately
1600 mm (5 feet)
ABB 6-Axes or KUKA 6-Axes
40-60 kg (88-132 Ibs) Payload on the Wrist Working Area from 2.000 to 2.500 mm
(6 feet to 8 feet)
Seventh Interpolated Axis Aluminium Turntable
450 x 450 mm (18”x18”)
Working Plate, 60 rpm
System Integrated in Containment Box
700 x 700 mm (28”x 28”) Working Plate, 60 rpm
700 x 700 mm (28”x 28”) Working Plate, 60 rpm
380V Three-Phase Electro Spindle
1.0 KW
24.000 rpm
Auto Cooling System
Up to ER20 Collect (Tool Shank Diameters from 2 to 12 mm) Manual Tool Change
3.6 KW
24.000 rpm
Up to ER30 Collect (Tool Shank Diameters from 3 to 20 mm) Manual Tool Change
4.0 KW
24.000 rpm
ISO30 Tool Holders (Tool Shank Diameters from 2 to 20 mm) Automatic Tool Change
Presetting Laser
Laser Device Automatically Measures the Tool Length
Laser Device Automatically Measures the Tool Length
Laser Device Automatically Measures the Tool Length
Tool Box
10-position toolbox for ISO30 Tool Holders The robot deposits the holder with the actual tool in the box and automatically takes the new required tool.
Work Area
Processes blocks up to:
· Corsets - Diam. 600x(H)1000 mm
· AFO / KAFO - 350x200x(H)650 mm
· SEATING SYSTEMS - 500x600x(H)350 mm
Processes blocks up to:
· Corsets - Diam 800x(H)1200 mm
· AFO / KAFO - 350x300x(H)1000 mm
· SEATING SYSTEMS - 800x800x(H)800 mm
Processes blocks up to:
· Corsets - Diam 1200x(H)1500 mm
· AFO / KAFO - 350x300x(H)1500 mm
· SEATING SYSTEMS - 1200x1200x(H)1200 mm
The Complete System:
The Robot Controller is housed in an aluminum box, prearranged for chip suction.
The dimensions are:
1700 length x 1250 width x 2450 height mm (6 feet length x 4 feet width x 8 feet height)
Installation on Industrial Floor Minimum Area:
3000 x 3000 x 2700 mm
(10 feet x 10 feet x 9 feet)
Additional Area for Robot Control Unit: 1000 x 1000 x 2000 mm
(3 feet x 3 feet x 7 feet)
To increase the productivity, you can install more than one turntable/ xed table around the robot
Installation on Industrial Floor Minimum Area:
4000 x 4000 x 3000 mm
(13 feet x13 feet x 10 feet)
Additional Area for Robot Control Unit: 1000 x 1000 x 2000 mm
(3 feet x 3 feet x 7 feet)
To increase the productivity, you can install more than one turntable/ xed table around the robot
A total of about 600 kg (1300 Ibs)
Robot with its own base:
550 kg (1200 lbs)
Turntable: 270 kg (600 lbs) Control unit: 250 kg (550 lbs)
Robot with its own base:
650 kg (1500 lbs) * Turntable: 270 kg (600 lbs) Control Unit: 250 kg (550 lbs) Tool Box: 280 kg (625 lbs)
Power Supply 380 VAC Three-Phase 50-60 Hz **
(average consumption 1.5 KW) 12 KVA
(average consumption 4.5 KW) 15 KVA
(average consumption 5.5 KW)
Noise Level
<75 dB
<75 dB on a typical installation
<75 dB on a typical installation
Compressed Air
Optional, at least 3 bar
Minimum 6 bar
Minimum 6 bar
PU Blocks:
PU blocks for milling molds. Various sizes available. They are delivered on pallets.
Flexible PU foam:
Flexible PU foam for milling postural seats or beds densities according to patient’s need. They can be supplied in cut-to-size blocks in pallets. Beige foam is manufactured in individual triangular blocks, reproduced with their size in O&P CAD Software